roots and branches is celebrating 35 years of beautification!

Honoring our roots…it all started in July, 1990. Maradel Sager and about 20 volunteers organized the West Bend Beautification Committee, now known as Roots and Branches.

Consider celebrating with us by joining us at on of our many events in this, our 35th anniversary!


Join us for a FREE seminar…

’Environmentally Friendly Landscaping’

with Glenn Herold

Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 7 pm at West Bend City Hall-1115 S Main St

Learn what to consider when landscaping: plants, mulch, turf and ground cover, composting, water usage, pest control and much more! Register HERE

Check out Roots and Branches 2025 Calendar of Events!

Click here: 2025 Event Calendar

Growing a Better Community In West Bend

Our Mission: To grow a more beautiful community today and plant seeds of pride and stewardship to improve the natural environment of West Bend tomorrow.

Roots and Branches is a local non-profit positively impacting the natural environment of greater West Bend, WI.

We instill pride and commitment in all ages through the following programs: Educational Seminars, Spring Cleanup of our parks and green spaces, Arbor Day School Program in the area elementary schools, Adopt-a-plot Gardens around West Bend, High School Scholarship, and Recognition Awards to private residences and businesses for caring for their properties.

We have three key fundraising events throughout the year, a Plant Sale in May, featuring locally grown winter-hardy annuals and perennials, the Gardens of West Bend Tour in July, and the annual Garden Party fundraiser in September.


Contact: or 262-335-5083.